Tyrique Van Wyk

I'm a CEO of Thealoade,Web Developer,Web Designer,App Designer,App Developer,Frontend Developer,Backend Developer,

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About me

Hi there. Whether you are looking to take your business into the new era of technology or looking to revamp a web or mobile app product I am here to assist you with your business or personal projects.

I am a full-stack web developer and front-end app developer and designer. I specialize in user experience design(UX) and user interface design (UI). I'm here to improve your business processes, increase audience engagement, and customer loyalty through user-centered UX/UI design

Let's work together to bring your imagination to reality!

Name: Tyrique Van Wyk

Profile: Full Stack Developer

Email: tvanwyk114@gmail.com

Phone: (+27)62 700 4903


What services do I provide?

Web Development

I make responsive interactive websites. I am a full stack web developer. Meaning I can make everything of the website front end, upload to the server and backend for more complex web apps

mobile app Development

I can make the front end of applications. I use react native and can make interactive stylish, high quality UI/UX designs. Whether you supply the design or I design it I can make your imagination come to reality for the apps.

Front-End Design

I do front-end designing. I design UI/UX systems( Apps and Websites). When desinging the layout and style of the application, I focus on user experience and the user interface so that your app/website can be one of the best, so that you can have a good relationship with your clients.

Skills To pay the bills

Below are the skills that I have learned and that I use to complete projects.


All websites need html, and my experience with html allows me to do this and hack NASA :).


I use css to give your websites style and personality. There is nothing worse than a boring website with no personality.


I use JavaScript to implement complex features into web pages if you want your website to do more than just sit there and show you static information.


I have experience in python. The reason I use python is for the Django backend framework. I use Django to make the backend for full stack websites that require complex operations on the server side.


React is a JavaScript framework. I use React and React-Native to make mobile applications which are available on all platforms.


I have experience with linux, linux terminal and linux servers. My experience with Linux enables me to deploy websites to linux servers and set up servers for the website to run properly.